You thing because Iīm woman Iīm at
Your beck and call you try to degrade
Me humiliate and ridicule. 
Your cat calls fall on deaf ears, you do not 
Compliment I wont be at your mercy,
This bodyīs not for rent. 
Deaf dumb & male in society. 
Deaf dumb & male wont you listen to me. 
Deaf dumb & male its time for change. 
Deaf dumb & male īcause things cant stay the same. 
You macho men donīt thrill me,
The approach you use is stale will you
Never learn I am strong I am female.
We have come from out the kitchen
The chains weīve left behind. 
We donīt need your permission do you 
Think were blind? To boldly go where
Few men have rarely gone before 
Stand alone stand apart from your 
Friends you must ignore. 
But you do not surprise me, this society 
Feeds you crap but when you have a 
Daughter itīll end up in your lap. 
You can change this system by starting 
With yourself and if you change the 
Rules the game will change itself